Monday, July 13, 2009

07.13.09 2:11AM

24.2 miles
16.4 avg mph
35.4 max mph
923 final odo
1:28:28 time
64 deg F

Pretty good ride in all. Got cut early from work, came home, had a couple of drinks and decided to go biking before bed. Made sure that the roommates were awake in case I got mugged, raped, or arrested, and headed out... Started out as a pretty tame ride, then came across a bum on my way up art hill, which is when my steady climb turned into an all out sprint as he came running after me. Just kidding. The park was pretty sketchy in a film noir, foggy with long shadows kind of way, but the only other life I saw was a raccoon and a couple stray cats.

Rode all of the flat sections down in the drops at a higher speed than normal. I also discovered that taking the visor off of my helmet makes it a lot easier to see while down in the drops. A lot of wet patches (rained earlier today) and I almost lost my back wheel a couple times going into some turns.

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